Mon 24 Feb 2020 10:41PM

2020 Kiez Burn Theme

EJ Erin Jeavons-Fellows Public Seen by 157

Hi everyone!

Since location has now been decided. Let's open discussions around what our theme could be. It would be nice to throw around ideas and concepts in here until the of March and then do a vote. Also open to other ideas on how to choose a theme. Just following the process we had last year.


Jeff Spirlock Tue 25 Feb 2020 1:08PM

Snark School

Learning to accept peoples sarcasm aka snark, even when I think it is rude, has shown me a far more light hearted approach to dealing with others. Snark is one of my favorite things on the playa and it's saddening to me when I attend a burn that lacks this aspect.


Carnelian King Tue 25 Feb 2020 11:53AM

I'd like the theme to be "Living our fantasy".
We can create a place which nourishes the inner version of ourselves, and camps that have dreamlike elements


Karlo Walz Tue 25 Feb 2020 9:27AM

Theme Vorschlag:
"Become Art"
Participation is the key and develepment our goal.. why not develop ourselves as an example and as art, as beauty or as provokative and raising emotions..