Fri 6 Mar 2020 12:02AM

[Proposal] Buy Dream Tokens when buying ticket

W walto Public Seen by 22

I follow the Advice Process Proposal Template


Proposer (name, handle, etc.):

Original proposer: @waldo

Current proposer: @Alexxx

Proposer’s role:

I am involved in pushing the Dreams platform & process into action. For this proposal, I am excited about the possibility of increasing donations & more money flowing to Dreams/art.

The advice process

The first step in the advice process is to gather input and advice from experts and people affected. (see realities)

Information gathered before posting

I have informed what the current status is on ticketing. It appears that Callum withdrew his radical ticketing proposal.

I have informed with @Jan Thomas , @Otto and @Keegan regarding feasibility on the ticketing side. I have asked @Henrik 🤖 and @Flo regarding technical challenges/feasibility, and that investigation is still underway.

People/roles most affected by this proposal

The proposal


In our BurnerTickets setup, we always had the opportunity for ticket purchasers, to donate more money. This resulted in a limited amount of extra donations.

I believe we have an opportunity to incentivize people to donate more, to enable more art at Kiez Burn.

The proposal

When people buy a ticket, they have the option to "donate more, support the arts & decide yourself which art gets funded through the Dreams platform".

When people enter a € amount they wish to donate, there is an automatic calculator that shows how this translates into how many dream tokens.


  • someone purchases a ticket

  • enters "30€" to donate more

  • it is shown immediately next to it, that this will result in 10 extra dream tokens to spend on the Dreams platform

People can still only spend a maximum of 5 tokens per Dream, severely limiting the impact this proposal would have on skewing the process.

How would the proposal be implemented

  • Burner Tickets Frontend: I would suggest that the exact way it is written and shown in Burner tickets is left to the ticketing Team

  • Connect between tickets & Dreams: When someone buys a ticket on Burner Tickets, we already have the connection to the Dreams platform that we enable the ticket purchaser to activate his/her/their account on Dreams. After activation the ticket holder has 10 hearts. In this proposal, we would need to send 1 additional piece of information: the € donation made by the ticket holder (or how many extra dream hearts/tokens are bought)

  • Dream token value: this will be determined at a later date and will need to be aligned between the Dreams & the ticketing platform when tickets go on sale. (prioritized for after launch Dreams)

Github related issues:

When would this proposal be implemented

  • Check if the connect between BurnerTickets and Dreams can be done this way: @Henrik 🤖 and @Flo

  • Implement this connection succesfully

  • then we can start selling tickets

What would be the cost (time, money, effort, etc.) of this proposal

I do not know

What are the advantages of this proposal (relative to the current situation and/or counter-proposals)

  • Gifting: we enable more gifting to take place

  • Participation: people can participate in enabling more Dreams to take place

What are the disadvantages of this proposal (relative to the current situation and/or counter-proposals)

I do not see any disadvantages, besides the effort needed in setting it up.


Alex Kaos Sat 7 Mar 2020 8:55PM

I like the proposal. It should be relatively easy to implement, after reading Henrik's comments and Speaking with Flo, as well as having seen the back-end of the budget myself.

From a finance perspective it is manageable to add this in, it is just numbers in a sheet. From a budgeting perspective it shouldn't be too awful because it just adds more money to Dreams that wasn't initially budgeted.

On the other hand, I have a completely different proposal for now to handle the Dreams platform, which removes many other factors (i.e. we lose at best 7% of every 'donated €', which would be less money to give to the dreamers (maybe 19%, or 0,19c per 1€ donated). By having the participants funding the projects directly, without having Kiez Burn as a bureaucratic fund-holder, the Dreamers get more money per donated euro, are funded before the event, potentially get even more money due to a true gifting process of donation, and we all have way less work to do.
Check it out..


Henrik 🤖 Fri 6 Mar 2020 10:34PM

And here is my input to the ethical side of this:

I'm not a fan of granting more privileges to those who have more money to spend. Donations should come from generosity, i.e. radical gifting. Handing out additional "voting rights" in return for donations comes from a mindset that I wouldn't like to see supported by Kiez Burn.

To be a bit more constructive, here is a potential inspiration for an alternative way to incentivize ticket buyers to spend more money:

At the Burner Tech Wekeend Fundraiser Auction people would offer something for the auction and the money for which the thing was sold went straight to the crowdfunding campaign. This was a super fun experience! And it was a win^3 situation: The auctioneer could present something cool that they offer (shibari class, oracle reading, secret party tour, private concert etc.) and the buyers had fun spending their money – because all of it went to a good cause, the fundraiser, anyway. I saw myself in a situation where I was ready to bid higher for something than I would normally pay for it since I knew that the money went to the campaign. It also strengthens the community, since buyer and seller shared or are going to share an experience together.

So what if – instead of selling tokens – Kiez Burners could offer a product or service at a certain price, which would then be donated to Kiez Burn if bought by other burners. It's more creative, potentially gets more money in and creates more touchpoints within the community. It's also more work.


Henrik 🤖 Fri 6 Mar 2020 10:09PM

Alright, here's my input from the technical standpoint:

  • Calculating the token value from the donation at the point of sale (ticketing checkout) could be tricky, depending on the way is setup. I would advise against it, as we can't change the formula if we need to – we'd have to ask and wait for burnertickets to change it.

  • Granting more tokens depending on the money donated is easy to do (here is the relevant code). But we need to make a change in their API which shouldn't be too difficult to do. Could you check with if they can provide data on the money that was donated per ticket purchase through their API?