Admin Moderators

This group is only accessible AND visible to Talk Admin moderators ( not to all admins of Kiez Burn Talk). Here we work on proposals to improve the guidelines or discuss arguable cases.

NEW: Since our new communication platforms keep growing, we have some new moderators here as well – everything that applies to Talk (Netiquette, incident report...) can also be used for Facebook, Discord & Telegram as well.

Some threads in this group can be discussed and later be moved to the Advice Process Group for discussion and approval from the larger community. We dont approve any process here but we collaboratively work on a framework where we all, as a team agree upon.

  • The group has been settled as "secret" so as to keep a healthy workflow when managing problematic cases within this platform.

  • Members can be invited to specific threads if needed. Please consult with the team before doing this.


    Telegram & comms lead


    Talk moderation

    @Purzel @Kate

    Discord moderation


    Facebook moderation
