Lights for Kiez Burn 2021

SD Sven Dudink Public Seen by 49

Hi there,
i would like to discuss light with my fellow Kiez burners this year,

how will we organize lights,

since lights is not so far away from our area, i did request a quote from our power company,

so far we can rent lamps for 8,75 per lamp for the whole event, cables still need to be rented, but the prices are good, i expect we will pay less than 14 euro per lamp including all wiring, exact answer can be given in the next days

according to KB 2019 map, we will need 26 lights, my guess is that the map is incomplete, someone has contact data from lights lead last year to add to this documentation?

my wish would be to go solar and buy them, but I'm not sure if we can afford solar this year,

The lamps need to be:

  • IP65+ Certified (not in china, china doesn't deal with patents like we do and they are allowed to write on their product whatever they want)

  • The lamps need to be able to charge at daytime without sun and still provide enough light during the night (big battery capacity and big solar panel), the lights need to be able to run all night, not on movement detection mode (correct me if I'm wrong) again, the info on the package means very little in many cases,

  • the lights need to provide enough lumen (I'm sure somehow there is a german documentation stating how much lumen should hit the ground) the lumen need to be validated somewhere german patent laws count, china will put anything what sells on their product, and export sellers who buy from china often will follow these specs

  • The lamps need to be CE, here is a funny thing many people don't know, but it needs to be the CE Conformité Européenne, and not CE China export (watch out, individual sellers often swap them around so the internet has turned into a wild wild west where it can be hard to find something with actual CE Conformité Européenne )

  • The Akkus should preferably be exchangable, batterys dont last super long when not used, especially cheap ones

  • If the lamps are lithium ion, we need to have them charged around 50% when storing them for a year, storing them either on 100% or 0% will drastically reduce the capacity, especially 0%, so they will need a power indicator

  • The lights need to last for the whole event, and afterwards a year long in storage, higher quality comes at a price

If anyone feels like they have a great idea to make solar lights come true, i would be very happy, i personally will not further push this plan through this year


Diarmaid Tue 27 Jul 2021 10:08AM

So what is the status of the lights realizer? I agreed to do this if required at the Freiland Sommerfest, but have heard some conflicting information about whether I am needed, or whether the old realizer is going to come back to do it.

@Franzi @Sven Dudink


Mareike Mon 28 Jun 2021 8:37PM

might have someone for this role who is working in the event business. forwarded the thread to him, he might geht in touch with you here @Sven Dudink


Bee Mon 28 Jun 2021 4:41PM

Edited title to include: Realizer needed. Should we send via comms a Realizer shoutout for this?


Veroca R. Sala Mon 28 Jun 2021 4:10PM

Thanks sven. I dont want tonget involved in lights. But so far to me it looks like you are the realizer.😆