Tue 5 Jan 2021 7:30PM

(Proposal) Volunteers Coordination - New Sign Up System

VRS Veroca R. Sala Public Seen by 65


Hi im vero, I've made this proposal in 2021 and I couldn't implement it because of the short time we had to organize the event. I researched three platforms that could potentially serve Kiez Burn and makes life easier for Realizers, volunteers and the volunteer coordinator.

I won't be carrying out this proposal myself anymore as time passed and my attention is elsewhere. If you find this material interesting and consider moving forward from here you have half work done! feel free to go through it and update new prices if needed, introduce yourself and shape the role.

You have my support! Im happy to guide you from here on. Thank you!


 @Veroca R. Sala Volunteer Coordinator 2021 - Board Member -

The advice process

Here I recycle part of the thread that was presented last year which didn't go through since the event got canceled due to the pandemic.

What follows is basically the same proposal as Q1 2020 but with some updates and my clear willingness to perform this role using a new sign-up system for volunteers.

People Roles most affected by this proposal

  • Finances @Kathleen

  • Tickets ( the sign up should be in sync with tickets purchase process ideally)

Information gathered before posting:

I have done some research on different platforms to set up the signup, based on my knowledge and experience as a volunteer coordinator in 2019 .

People/roles with most knowledge and experience relevant to this proposal:

@Veroca R. Sala


The proposal


How was done in 2019

Unfortunately, there isn't any good thread to link to 2019, but here an overview:

Volunteers Coordination 2019 used the same system as the previous year ( 2018) 

  • Gathering the number of volunteers needed in each area, by asking the Leads of each Need for the event ( using google forms)

  •  Creating an open  Spreadsheet on a drive

  • The spreadsheet was open for volunteers to take on their shifts 

  • using  Facebook & newsletter for recruiting

  • Using a survey filled in by Ticket holders for recruiting

How did it work the recruitment and coordination in 2019:

  • Leads were clear and precise about the number of volunteers. 

  • Communication with Leads was great. 

  • Many Leads would get in touch with the volunteers to confirm shifts, give specific info 

  • Many Leads like Rangers have recruited a big part of their crew

  •  Shifts were taken quite quickly although we did have some empty spots for Ranger Leads, Strike, that were very hard to fulfill.

  • There was not such a big pile of work for the Volunteer Coordinator since the decentralized model divided the work among the Leads. 

  • It wasn't any General Volunteer Coordination onsite and it was not needed. 

Kitchen for volunteers 2019

Deine mudda camp, fed volunteers only on Build and Strike

How did the sign-up System Work in 2019?

  • The open Spreadsheet document looked like this And it raised some controversy about the data/ contact info from volunteers being public.

  • It was possible to sign up for a shift without giving any contact information. Given this, the Leads were not able to contact some volunteers


The proposal:

The proposal contains in essence two things.

  • One is a new sign up system that enables decentralization, is affordable and easy to use

  • The other one is to reserve 4 direct tickets for shifts hard to fulfill. I will explain this.



In 2019 there we has some struggles to  fulfill important strike/general build/Ranger Leads shifts

And because important unfilled shifts would mean a plus load of unfair work onsite, for the people that are leading and volunteering onsite.

I suggest sparing four direct tickets for volunteers that at the last minute are missing a ticket because are sold out and are willing to volunteer on important unfilled shifts during the event, build or Strike.

How would this be implemented? 

  • The volunteer will still have to pay for the ticket

  • we wouldn't be promoting this emergency resource,  but only consider those who VOLUNTARILY offer themselves ( on Facebook e.g. or meetings.) to actively participate but are missing tickets because are sold out. 

  • The mentioned direct ticket would be available ONLY if the Volunteer coordinator ( in communication with Realizers) sees the real need.

  • The mentioned direct ticket would be handled only by the volunteer coordinator in communication with Tickets.

  • What "last minute" means:  2 days before Build starts

What are the disadvantages of having direct tickets reserved?

  • Controversies, some might say this is trading and it is not aligned with our principles?

What are the advantages of direct tickets reserved?

  • bring in to the event people that are willing to participate,

  • avoid stress on-site! Especially for the beloved strikers!


I have gone through different platforms to organize volunteer shifts and came down to the following options: VOMO; Volunteers Mark &Timecounts,

Volunteer - platform options: here this doc

How would be the proposal be implemented?

What Volunteers Coordination would DO: 

  1. Research and Find a signup system adjusted to our needs

  2. Ensure the payment to any of the platforms is done on time before the signup period starts.

  3. Communicate with comms to align how to “promote” the new system (Links and instructions on newsletters or/and Social Media)

  4. Set up the platform with basic information about the Organization and its components ( Lead areas - Welfare, Build, strike, Gate etc.).

  5. Give Admin licenses to the platform to the Realizers so they can complete the set up with descriptions and stuff.

  6. Guide, support, and help Realizers to schedule the available shifts for volunteers on the Portal. ( maybe give a workshop or make tutorials)

  7. Manage the Volunteer’s email account forwarding lost hippies to the right clicks for signup on their shifts.

  8. Support recruiting volunteers especially for General Build & Strike (musts)

  9. Make sure there is a Volunteer's plan sheet onsite up for consultation for the participants and Realizers.

    What Volunteers Coordination would NOT DO 

    Coordinate volunteers onsite 

    Coordinate comms between Realizers and Volunteers for pre-event training

    Exclusively be the only recruiting source to fulfill shifts.

Kitchen for Volunteers:


More likely Deine Mudda camp will be feeding volunteers during build and strike. The decision hasn’t been made yet.

Who would implement this proposal?

Myself and whoever wants to help (?)

When would this proposal be implemented?


There is not such a timeline for Volunteers 2021  until Tickets sale dates are defined but: 

In the past: the sign-up period started in early April along with ticket sales. 

What would be ideal, this depends actually on when is the event gonna take place. Considering the usual date of Kiez Burn in the summer solstice:

  • The signup platform portal would be ideally paid in March to allow some prep time for all Realizers and Volunteers Coordinator, navigate the platform, do the setup and solve potential issues in communication with the help center provided. 

  • In April It would hopefully start the signup period,  running up until middle June

  • The Volunteer signup platform would still be available until the end of June to allow exporting data for future census and stuff. Not talking about personal data.

What would be the cost (time, money, effort, etc.) of this proposal

Time: I'm not sure, it depends on the platform I guess

Money: depending on which plan/platform we choose; something close to 300 euros. (for 4 months subscription)

Advantages of this proposal:

  • we will be primarily keeping personal data secured

  • we will experiment with how decentralization would work from the perspective of the volunteer coordination and potentially dissolving/minimizing the tasks of this role for the future. If the platform works fine, next year we could use all guidelines from this year so Realizers can set it up themselves. The volunteer coordinator will be the enabler cause it will only have to liaise with the company and ensure it is paid + handover all guidelines and passwords once Realizerers take on their roles.

  • Opportunity to more efficiently gather and export info from participants for a future census.

Disadvantages of this proposal

  • Implementing a new sign up system will require money investing and the risk of failure ( as it's unknown how the tool can work with our organization),

  • We might have to deal with terminology not adjusted to our organization. Words like “Department” or “project Lead” instead of Realizer. 


Veroca R. Sala Fri 8 Jan 2021 11:44AM

Forgot to tag our finance King @The Lord of Fire (Schatzmeister) so to have his input at some point. No rush... just tagging 🤗


Franzi Fri 26 Feb 2021 9:58AM

I think its a great idea and we have used directed tickets like this in the past! We havent used an "elaborated" system. We just gave xx amount of directed tickets to Kieze and area leads and they could then use them to get key roles/shifts filled. From my perspective as ex-area lead for mothership etc that worked pretty well.


CJ Yetman Fri 26 Feb 2021 10:38AM

thanks @Veroca R. Sala for this really excellent advice process proposal! all the important info one would need to think about this, sensibly laid out 👍


CJ Yetman Fri 26 Feb 2021 10:42AM

I don't want to sidetrack this AP, but... with regards to directed tickets, I think it would make sense to set aside a handful of directed tickets for each of the primary realizers, in case they need them to get critical volunteers on-site. I know that requires trust, but honestly if we're trusting someone to take full responsibility for something like... let's say the Rangers... then I think we can also trust that person to use (or not) a handful of directed tickets with reasonable fairness and judgement.


Veroca R. Sala Tue 9 Mar 2021 9:54AM

two things to think of:

  • if having a smaller 500 ppl event, will we have enough volunteers onsite?

    especially because for those roles that require shifts 24/7 and usually taken by 2 ppl per shift like Welfare, 2019 we had a 1000 ppl event and 269 shifts to fulfill ( and it was already not so easy to accomplish)

  • Will we need an extra volunteer crew for COVID-19 Testing @Hanna-Maija (Animal) ? that would increase numbers too.


Koala Tue 1 Feb 2022 8:40AM


The proposal looks great (and indeed very clear!) Indeed for key volunteer functions its a good idea to have a few tickets, because if you trust te person with a key role then trust them with really needing a ticket.

I scanned the platform being discussed. And i would say sign up is not the best choice, even if the paid version can have various admins. We at the Sheep and Decom hate it due to lots of advertising. and very unclear user interface. Also its hart for volunteers to scan between different volunteering options.

In some way sheets in one dedicated place have the best overview.


Mareike Tue 1 Feb 2022 12:49PM

In favor of trying out a software for this! thanks for researching and proposing this :) most important for me would be to keep private data safe and to make our volunteer coordinators life a bit easier. If after a year we realize this is not the best software we can still change.


Kris Tue 1 Feb 2022 7:37PM

As having at least 20 ECTS in burner philosophy I can say 100% for sure that any of this isn't against any principles. I will explain myself but not in writing and only to someone that brings me to a bar and buys me whiskey while I do it.

I would be interested in helping with this, but I'm already overworked unfortunately. Two/three cents:

  • If there's a robot or someone who's interested in becoming a robot there's the Engelsystem that the CCC uses, there might be some synergies there as they work similarly.

  • Alternatively Nowhere has also built some software I've never tried (maybe ask if we can use their setup directly??)

  • If there aren't any robots or Burner gifted platforms, please spend money on something. Nothing free is good enough.

  • What do you mean with "decentralized" here? A single platform or place to do this is preferable in my mind.

  • The choice of software should allow several people to act as admins and managers, no single "admin" accounts.

  • Do not require Facebook or other IDaaS providers to log in, except for if they cheaply enough allow you to set up your own Single Sign On integration. I will help to integrate with Talk or something else so you can have a single login across platforms. (Saw Facebook mentioned as an "integration" but it's unclear at what points they actually integrate)

  • Getting rid of the muddled word "realizer" is a good thing!

  • If you find a good platform and their pricing doesn't make sense (e.g. they charge per user or something), try and contact them and explain our use case. It often works to get a good deal


Koala Tue 1 Feb 2022 10:07AM

I can do that! Would it be a problem if it was also for the sheep? Maybe working together on this could help us both.


Veroca R. Sala Tue 1 Feb 2022 9:53AM

hey thanks for looking into this ❤️ and for the meaningful input about "signup".

Back then when I researched, the option I liked the most was Vomo. Do you have any info about them?

I contacted them in the past and they were very responsive and prices were somewhat reasonable/ affordable for the eV, however now the price escalated from 69e to 99e per month but, there seem to be a way to apply for a non-profit grant, ( not sure we are eligible), and I think it is worthy to have a chat with them and maybe do a personalized package since there are some features we dont care about, and other features we do need which are not in the package...

@Koala Would you be up to contact them and ask what are the possibilities? In the doc there is a capture of one of the emails they sent to me .

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