What is our theme for KB19?

EJ Erin Jeavons-Fellows Public Seen by 138

Here is a short-list of our Theme options for Kiez Burn 2019.

You can vote on multiple options, if they take your fancy. So long as you are happy and excited by the results, let any number of these options take your fancy.

Your votes will be anonymous, this is to make sure that you can vote for any option, and not just the one your friend asked you to vote for.

In order to keep things fair, we're not adding new voting options to this poll, as late-comers in the last poll caused discussion over fairness and now we're doing a new one. With advice from those who shared, we've taken the top 4 results of the last poll (because 3rd place was tied).

Background information for themes

Wild at heart
Who are you? Truly?
This embodies our adventurous move to a more decentralized and self-reliant event and community. We can embrace our new culture and support one another at our deepest cores. What is really important to us, once all the trappings and distractions are away?
Let's remove all the comforts of modern traditions, cultures and civilizations, and rebuild our collective from the self-out. A giant Tribe that looks out for each other on our quest to heal the damaged done by the rapid evolution of our species.
You truly are already you. Welcome home.
(f.y.i. The Effigy Team (same as last year's Effigy) has made a beautiful Effigy plan already built around this Theme)

Midsummer Nightmare
This theme is a nod to both the summer solstice and the horror of first time decentralization (Org nightmare)! Let's celebrate the precious few hours of darkness that are the heart of Kiez Burn with a theme that puns upon the Shakespeare play "A Midsummer Night's Dream", but is even more fun. Midsummer Nightmare is chock full of possibilities: naughty fairies, dark horses, creepy misfits, Amazons, humans with animal heads, illusions in the woods, and comedic ceremonial confusion! (What will be the "Wrecking Ball" blooper for 2019?)

"Heimat" is an ironic take on quite a few things
Not only does it show that we're coming home (the burns being our natural environments) and not "going crazy once or twice a year", it also plays on traditional associations. "Heimat" would be associated with oompa oompa music, Bierzelt, weird traditions, rampant sexism and xenophobia. By assuming the title we're turning it on its head.
It's also food for thought on a greater societal discussion. I don't want to go into it too much, but on a socio-political level it offers a lot of space for interpretation. (Identity, Location, Nationality, Heritage, etc etc), hence preparing the ground for art to happen
It ain't english. Which is not a bad thing at all.

I think, given the decentralization, I'd rather hit everybody IN THE FACE with the news that they have to get their asses moving.
That's basically it.

I want to be able to point at the theme, laugh out aloud and then leave when somebody or someone is complaining about anything.

It's a future investment for all highly invested but 'not carrying your ass anymore' peoples.

If you think this is overly pragmatic & the intention a bit cynic for a theme for Kiez Burn - you are probably right. :)


Saskia Sun 17 Feb 2019 10:47AM

Making my stand for the do-topia topic:
I think, given the decentralization, I'd rather hit everybody IN THE FACE with the news that they have to get their asses moving.
That's basically it.

I want to be able to point at the theme, laugh out aloud and then leave when somebody or someone is complaining about anything.

It's a future investment for all highly invested but 'not carrying your ass anymore' peoples.

If you think this is overly pragmatic & the intention a bit cynic for a theme for Kiez Burn - you are probably right. :)


Julian Finn Mon 18 Feb 2019 9:30PM

I want to propose that we choose the two or three top themes and make another poll with them. right now "wild at heart" has the most votes but only about 35% overall. just want to prvent a theme that the majority disagrees with.


Saskia Tue 19 Feb 2019 10:03AM

I like the idea. Also setting this next vote up as a ranked choice or dot vote instead of simple majority vote which provide more granular results. But that's just my suggestion (& I will not put up the 2nd vote).


Alex Kaos Tue 19 Feb 2019 11:03AM

Seeing as we're fusing statistics and opinions here, let's get the numbers straight:
-At this point 54% of 80 people have voted. That's 43 people
- 23 votes have gone to "wild at heart", that's 54% of the voters (not 35%).
- the event will host 1000 people, so if everyone who came into this thread voted, the decision made would entail 8% of the whole burn, which is very far from a majority
- the next runner up 'do-topia' got 13 votes = 30% of the voters like it.
- that makes a lead of 66%, or what could otherwise be known as 'statistically significant'
- because users can vote for multiple options this is already similar to a 'dot vote' system.

I personally think this look pretty clear. But (disclaimer alert) I voted for 'Wild at Heart". Who knows how I would portray this information if the idea I didn't vote for was clearly on top.
To the best of my knowledge, my previous statements are factual. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake there.


Julian Finn Tue 19 Feb 2019 12:09PM

i'm not even advocating for or against a particular theme. i was however confused because i assumed that everybody just had one vote and not multiple. (hence 23 being 35% of the votes, not the voters) in any case i'd still stick with my proposal to do a runoff between the top two or three themes


Fiete Tue 19 Feb 2019 9:11PM

Maybe it would also be possible to merge the top three or so :thinking:


Henrik 🤖 Thu 21 Feb 2019 7:34PM

the votes are biased, because entries added later in the poll didn't get the same visibility as the first couple of options. What if someone added an option a few hours before the poll closes? There is no chance to notify everyone who participated to consider this new option as well.

also: "Wild at Heart" got an unfair advantage, as it was proposed in the Kickoff meeting in front of a mid-sized audience right after the announcement that we actually are looking for a theme. No dismissing the Top 1 choice here (although I have this image of Jeff Bridges throwing a horny look at me every time I hear this phrase), but the voting wasn't fair among all the options.

There is no disadvantage to postponing the actual decision by a week or two.


walto Thu 21 Feb 2019 11:06PM

I voted for postponement


Karlo Walz Thu 21 Feb 2019 11:30PM

I see „wild at heart“ sounds for me childish. Is this important? No!
The theme is not important for me and others too but it is a bit of a sisappointment that this theme looks line a slogan for an advertisment for smoking or drinking gin or a club med.
it is a „want to be statement“ similar line - if you will join you will be wild at heart snd you can tag yourself like this. you do not need to do something you can be proud it us enough to join kiezburn.
no- i don‘t lkne this hheme
no it is not important for me!


Quentin Fri 22 Feb 2019 1:39AM

How about merging your ideas above :
We (1) postpone the decision (2) do a second round of vote with the top 3 to 5 themes from the first round and (3) do this poll on the FB group so we get way more people voting and be more inclusive.

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