Fri 2 Nov 2018 9:15AM

General Assembly - How To??

RS Remy Schneider Public Seen by 140

Hey folks,
As determined we are aiming for a meeting on Nov 25th to have our Kiez Burn Verein General Assembly.

To do so I think we need (please feel free to add):
1) a location - DONE
2) an invitation to the community - DONE
3) an agenda


We will go to Noize Fabrik: Elsenstr. 52, 12059 Berlin, Germany


I think the best way currently is to do a Facebook invitation, and also email the whole community from the newsletter list this year.

Can you please comment on the wording of the invitation below? Also - do we need to send out the proposed Satzung when we send out the invite?

Kiez Burn e.V. General Assembly

Big news - we are founding a Verein to help create a stable vision and culture for our growing Kiez Burn community. This is our first official General Assembly where we will gather new member information and elect a board.

We welcome any and all who are interested in joining the Verein. The newly appointed Board will be tasked to set rules for the Verein, and will be the vision guides for the Kiez Burn community for 1 year.

Wondering what is happening in Kiez Burn 2019? This is a great place to start. Initial brainstorming and discussions are happening in smaller groups over the past few months on how we want to shape our culture to create a more sustainable event, community and base here in Berlin.


Proposed Agenda items (needs more)

  1. Introduction to the new Verein (why, how, etc)
  2. Current thinking and direction (overview of structures, philosophy/culture, etc)
  3. Proposal for election of the board
  4. Everyone who wants to be on the board speaks
  5. Election

Misc: Gathering membership information from those who would like to join. For this first general assembly, no membership is needed to partake in the decision making process. However, at this general assembly, we will need to make a decision on what the membership fee WILL be.


walto Sat 24 Nov 2018 6:17PM

What would be the goal of this? Currently we are majority women in the core team and that does not bother me?


Remy Schneider Sun 4 Nov 2018 4:15PM

Thank you for the input so much!! Will add all your suggestions and post!


walto Sat 24 Nov 2018 6:17PM

probably 7


walto Tue 6 Nov 2018 7:29PM

Cool! Then,
1. as soon as the lawyer gets back to us, we will add the satzung
2. We will not be asking membership fees at the general assembly, since we have not set a membership fee yet.


walto Thu 8 Nov 2018 10:00PM

works for me :)


Remy Schneider Fri 9 Nov 2018 11:45AM

Sounds great! Talking to someone today who can hopefully help us with a location, and planning to print flyers today (unfortuantely likely without a location on it)


walto Sun 11 Nov 2018 5:16PM

Hey Henrik, it might indeed be something to consider to not make it "too big". However, we have been trying to tackle some of those challenges in the Satzung by:
- not requiring any minimum attendance for the general assembly to be able to make decisions
- putting as little requirements for what needs to be decided in a general assembly and the board cannot do themselves, in the Satzung.

But putting it differently:
- a big verein means a lot of support in making our community flourish
- a verein that is open to many, makes for a more inclusive community


Natacha Kromatik Sun 11 Nov 2018 8:22PM

Hey Alex, do you need help to write the Satzung so that the Verein would be recognised as gemeinnützig? This allows tax deductions for donations (including membership).


Alex Kaos Mon 12 Nov 2018 11:14AM

Hey Natacha, thanks for the support. Any advice you have could prove useful for sure, but we're actually considering not going down the path of gemeinutzung. Gaming to balance the books perfectly each year leaves very little breathing room for the growth and expansion of our community. I need to review how much of a difference having tax free donations would be, but from the perspective of most other costs, incomes and expenses, we don't save too much, especially in the short term. But any experience you have on the matter could prove invaluable ;)


Natacha Kromatik Mon 12 Nov 2018 11:33AM

I think I wasn't clear: it allows people/members to get tax reductions when supporting a gemeinnutzige Verein, for instance as soon as they pay their membership. A gemeinnutzige Verein can write Spendebescheinigungen allowing Steuerabzüge. Sorry for that Denglisch. For the association to be recognised as such, the Satzung needs to include some article of some law (...) which is the point I could help you with. About bookkeeping, I must say I am still not updated...

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