insurance conditions - what do we need or want

O Owl Public Seen by 73

I've got first feedback from the insurance broker. Prices haven't changed from last year. He offered their own liability insurance, but I have asked back to make sure it will also include the burn of an effigy (that wasn't the case in the past year, so we needed a different, more expensive insurance company).
If the event isn't happening, the insurances for liability and tech will be cancelled automatically and refunded. An cancellation insurance will still cost money, depending on the date. And a cancellation because of Corona (outbreak) is excluded, but it is unclear to me yet, if also the cancellation by the authorities because of a general high number of corona cases is also excluded. I'll update when I get details.

In the best case (we can use the cheap liability insurance and use the same choice of insurances like 2019) we'll pay up to 166€ for >750 visitors, and 142€ for <100k of tech.

The cancellation insurance will cost based on ticket sales and would cover loss of location, infrastructure (water), loss of third party services (e.g. security), it might also cover extreme weather (danger for life, or location unusable), direct terror or threat of terror, or grief because of death of crew or visitor, or because of an Assassination in Germany.

I've also requested the numbers for an accident insurance for build/strike, and for visitors. We didn't had that in the past, but I think civic responsibility also includes helping people who suffer because of an accident happening at Kiez Burn (beyond the limits of the health insurance).

That's what I have now. I'll attach the detail information (in German) from the insurance broker.

Dusty Hugs

P.S.: For reference, the original answer by Mr. Höhne:

Hallo Herr Weßels,

wir drücken die Daumen dass im Sommer wieder irgendwas möglich sein wird. An unseren Beitragssätzen hat sich nichts geändert. Sofern die Verbrennung des Kunstwerks vom Risiko überschaubar bleibt können Sie für die Haftpflichtversicherung mit den Beiträgen in beiliegender Produktinformation rechnen.

Corona oder andere übertragbare Krankheiten sind als Ausfallgrund nicht mehr versicherbar. Tatsächlich empfehlen wir eine bestmögliche Vertragsgestaltung mit sämtlichen Partnern ohne Stornokosten oder zumindest mit einer sehr wohlwollenden Stornokostenvereinbarung. Die Haftpflicht- und Technikversicherung würde Ihnen bei Risikofortfall komplett erstattet werden und die Ausfallversicherung würde anteilig erstattet werden (der bereits versicherte Zeitraum bliebe beitragspflichtig).

Beiliegend alle Übersichten und Anfrageformulare. Bei Fragen wie immer gern fragen.

Viele Grüße
Mark Höhne
Versicherungsmakler KG


Owl Tue 29 Jun 2021 1:01PM

Actually the insurance is not the limiting factor here. In the past years we just had to provide the names of the build/strike volunteers to make sure they are counted as temporary employees for the insurance. The main limitation is coming from (as I understood) the prevention of having too many people on site before the event starts, and before infrastructure is ready (toilets, kitchen). Especially people should have a specific job to do which is needed (and a ticket). Otherwise there is a risk that parties are starting too early 😉 Btw: I discovered in the most recent insurance offer that for a handling fee of 36€ even the name list could be avoided. I'm waiting for the confirmation if my interpretation is correct, but using that option could avoid the risk that some last minute helpers (especially for strike) are not insured ...

Health itself is not an insurance requirement. The planned obligation of being fully vaccinated is coming from the risk assessment that if any case of SARS-COV-2 infection is detected or brought on site during build, there is a high risk that the event might be cancelled. The vaccination obligation is meant to minimize this risk. But the COVID team can provide more details and insight on this topic.

In general we're expecting people to have their own health insurance (standard for EU citizens, but might be missing for volunteers of the US or other countries), so if someone gets sick or hurts themself, they are getting treatment without paying their asses off later. A valid travel health insurance will work, too.

I'm still waiting for an offer for an accident insurance for build/strike. We didn't had that in the past, but if you are cutting off your foot, the health insurance usually deals with getting you healthy again, but has only minimal support for long term impacts of such an accident. I've seen accidents during build/strike in the past, luckily none (afaik) with permanent personal damage yet. I would rather go for a (affordable) accident insurance than to deal with community fundraisers later ...


Saskia Wed 30 Jun 2021 8:21AM

IMPORTANTE: Dreamguides need a process to tell their dreamers HOW to sign up for early entry. Is the process defined yet? @Melinda Gonzalez @Diarmaid ?

Furthermore, one of my dreamlings requested that they need 3 people to work on their project on build. It is reasonable to assume not every structure can be built by one person. How do we determine who can have how many helping hands?

FYI, I will move this discussion over to a seperate talk thread in dreamer -subgroup, but I think this discussion here needs to finish first for information gathering. :)


Veroca R. Sala Wed 30 Jun 2021 8:24AM

yes, there is an early entry request. @Franzi on managing early entry


Mareike Sun 11 Jul 2021 12:17PM

thanks Kate! Yes, if it doesn't need to be signed by the president, then I could definitely sign it !(together with Jan)


Owl Thu 22 Jul 2021 9:06AM

Hi Marieke, then now would be the time to do it, and to send it to


Owl Thu 22 Jul 2021 11:13PM

It’s handed it. The insurance broker expects it today (Friday).


Mareike Thu 22 Jul 2021 9:14AM

ah! I have 30 mins until i leave for the weekend. Which contract do I sign? Im lost in the thread. If there is time I would rather do it on monday then now in a hurry (except if its only a signature - i trust you), but also understand it needs to happen soon-ish


Mareike Thu 22 Jul 2021 9:15AM


Annette Fri 23 Jul 2021 7:54AM

@Owl (Holger) Is there already a list for equipment and other items that need to be insured? Or will it be send today after we receive the Haftpflichtversicherung?


Kaliope Sun 11 Jul 2021 8:19AM

Thank you so much Owl! 🎉 Question: Do we know yet who from the board may sign the offer? Maybe @Mareike or @Jan-Christian Kaspareit because of German language?

FYI @Annette & @Jan Thomas

De facto, the actual insurance policy is finalized only shortly before the event, so that we can still make changes to the number of participants and insured technology.

For the permit application is probably still important that in the offer the visitors per day are counted, even if they stay several days, and that it is a maximum. Not that they think there will be a total of 5000 people. We might have to explicitly point that out again.

In 2019, due to the longer processing time with the insurance company, there was a need and opportunity to get an insurance confirmation for the permit application after the deal already, we could probably do the same this time. But maybe this time it will be faster and we will get the insurance certificate relatively quickly after signing.

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