Mon 10 Jan 2022 7:51PM

Closed: Proposal - Leadership Program v2.0

F Franzi Public Seen by 55


I am closing this advice process. Everything discussed will be included in the work accordingly. I ll map out a timeline and send out the application form.

Hey Kiezies,

I would like to share my proposal for Kiez Burn Leadership Program v2.0. We had a great leadership program in 2019/2020 that Remy and I organized. Now, we (David & me) want to take it to the next level. There is a whole bunch of cool research behind it, a survey to understand our needs better and a tailored program to make it really meaningful an awesome.

Kiez Burn’s 2nd Leadership Program - Powerful Teams 


During a 3 day offsite retreat (location: here) selected participants (based on application) will go through a Leadership program. The program is designed based on research from Amy Edmondson (psychological safety), we:work and insead. The program explores three core areas that any great team needs: Vision, Structure, Relationships. 

The content of the program will be based on 3 core areas:

1. Vision

  1. Setting our direction (purpose, mission and vision, etc.)

2. Structure

  1. Clarifying roles and expectations of all guides & realizers and Korg, having the right governance in place, creating an inclusive meeting structure and culture, engaging guides & realizers and Korg in collating learnings & sharing feedback.

3. Relationships

  1. Building trust within guides & realizers and Korg (Psychological safety), support guides & realizers and Korg in addressing self-awareness, understanding each other, handling conflicts and how to give and receive feedback

The survey 

Based on a survey we will learn what we as Kiez Burn are really good at and what we would benefit from focussing on. You find a survey example here

We will invite all boardies, korgies, guides, realizer, camp leads and artists to participate in the survey. 

The table below is to give you an example of what typical team outcomes can look like.


Based on the outcome of the survey we will design the content of the program really tailoring it to what Kiez Burn needs now :) To give you a better idea, this are workshops we could run during the program:

  • Finding vision

  • Finding our purpose/ our why

  • Our dream trip - where are we going?

  • Our mandate - how do we fit in with board, korg, guides and so on

  • What do we expect from each other? What are our roles?

  • Tools for effective meetings

  • Tools for effective decision making 

  • Learn from the past prepare for the future

  • Working with virtual teams

  • Creating psychological safety

  • Trust and openness spiral

  • Conflict management

  • How to give feedback

  • …and many more <3 

Research behind this program

Why do we want to do this?

  • Franzi is a professional in leadership development, coaching and consulting and believes this is her gift she wants to give to Kiez Burn

  • How we organize our teams, our work and everything that we do at and for Kiez Burn is at the core of what we do

  • We can’t detach they way of how we work from our principles and our philosophy as a community - we can’t dissociate our heart from our mind

  • We want to support our guides & realizers and Korgies in developing leadership capacities which truly nurture and allow for co-creation (and not dictatorship)

  • We aim to ease the pain that we feel on our journey as a constant changing organization

  • We want to enable our community to work decentralize in holistic roles/areas

  • We wish to take care of those who are most passionate about the community and prevent “leadership burnout”

  • We also acknowledge that to be truly successful as an organization we need to invest not only in this program but also into our organizational design, our tech infrastructure and into the enablement of our teams, still, this is a really good starting point

How do we select?

  • As we understand that true learning happens among the participants during the retreat (and not in the classroom) - we want to build a diverse learning group that truly pollinates and inspires each other 

  • We select based on application data (motivation, Korgi, Realizer/Guide,, experience, background, diversity)

Application form - tbd

  1. Personal data

  2. What is your motivation to take part in the Leadership program?

  3. What are your expectations towards the program? What do you want to take away from it?

  4. What are your leadership goals?

  5. Have you led volunteers or an area at Kiez Burn before?

  6. Have you led volunteers or an area at any other Burn before?

  7. Do you have any professional experience relevant to leadership, organization or event production?

  8. Are you willing to learn from the whole training in English?

  9. Are you available on the following dates?

  10. Do you need financial support to participate?

Fact Sheet

  • Facilitate the retreat for 25 people [number up for debate, but buuuuudget amigas]

  • Beginning of April, tbc with location

  • We would ask participants to pay for their food (x amount in the food jar and organize central kitchen)

  • We would ask people to financially donate to the program if they can afford it

  • We would ask Kiez Burn to pay for accommodation , if this is not possible we will crowdfund 


We are requesting 2.500 Euros from Kiez Burn :) It's a lot of money we know! For the last program we requested 5.00 Euros and then spent 3.051 Euros. 

Accommodation 2.000 Euros for 3 nights for 25 participants + helpers

Supplies, snacks, facilitation kit 500 Euros

Facilitation (wo)men power

  • Franzi & David - we would be super happy if more people wanna join

  • We need someone assisting the facilitation and being the runner during the offsite

  • We need two people running the kitchen 

I am hoping to get advice on the following:

  1. Do we need this?

  2. Would you want to come and apply?

  3. Is this money well spend and is this where we want to invest into?

  4. Would you do anything different?


Franzi Tue 18 Jan 2022 8:29AM

Hey Kiez Burn,

Happy New Year.. we have very exciting news for you! We will run a Leadership Program v2.0. We just finished the advice process and are super excited to get the ball rolling.

Kiez Burn's Leadership Program v2.0, happening from April 15th-18th (this is the Easter weekend) in Brandenburg.

During a long weekend offsite program (location: tbd) selected participants (based on this application) will go through a workshop-based Leadership program. The program is designed based on research from Amy Edmondson (psychological safety), we:work and insead. The program explores three core areas that any great team needs: Vision, Structure, Relationships.

The application form will be open for you until February 27th - 6pm. We aim to inform you if your application was successful by March 4th.

If you have or have not been to the first one is not important. This edition is equally valuable for everyone and we are excited for you to come back.

All questions you might have will be answered here:

You can find the full advice process here:

We are really very excited about this <3


walto Tue 18 Jan 2022 10:17AM

I'm in awe of this process. The suggested framework makes me super curious to attend in order to learn more about team building. Great job on outlining and drawing advice.

It seems I am a bit late to give timely input but also wouldn't know what to add.

I think kiezburn needs a new approach to how it works and the frameworks to reach decisions and govern conflict. Using novel methods seems the right fit for that.

Happy to help in the future if there's anything I can do to help.

Ps: maybe a small remark: all of this, and a little bit kiez burn in general, is a bit too serious. It might be interesting to have a look at nowhere and how they infuse humor in all they do, so to draw in more Engagement and make it more fun in general. Eg: their "frequently asked questions" is called "frequently ignored answers" or other small things.


Juli Finster Thu 27 Jan 2022 2:09PM

thanks for your response. sorry for the long delay. That sounds all great. I guess I just struggle sometimes with the objective of diversity that yes, it is super important and should definately be on our agenda to try to have processes that value and foster diversity. and also, maybe most importantly, to reflect on biases in general as well as in selection processes. I also find it difficult to set fixed criteria for the election process along some diversity lines and also how to define them (eg cultural diversity, as this in itself is a word and concept with many meanings and can have very different emphasis). And at the same time to ensure a bias-free(d) selection. but also, I have not a concrete proposal, its more just some thoughts to that topic/ challenge I have in general. and also I do think there is a sensibility for the topic and I appreciate that a lot.


Kaliope Wed 12 Jan 2022 6:35PM

Thanks for the development, @Franzi 👏

  1. Hell yeah!

  2. Since I've never done anything like this before and have mostly been thrown in (voluntarily :)) at the deep end so far, I would really love to participate.

  3. Yes, this is definitely a great investment in the future of our community.

  4. I can't give any feedback on the last event, but support the idea of diverse speakers/workshop leaders/facilitators – as well as some free time.

    As @Mareike mentioned, it's a little against our principles, but especially in the case we have external speakers/workshop leaders/facilitators it would be understandable to give a little compensation (if requested) for their time and energy. After all, we pay for security and first aid at Kiez Burn as well....

    How about we collect more suggestions/ideas/offers for the program as part of the application form and create an agenda based on that or recruit more facilitators that match our interests?


Franzi Thu 13 Jan 2022 8:05AM

Hey @Veroca R. Sala now here as well after our phone exchange <3 thanks a lot for all your thoughts, time and advice.

  1. completely agreed, great input, noted!

  2. yes that would be part of feedback.. but calling it feedback and gratitude sounds amazing!


Franzi Tue 18 Jan 2022 7:31AM

Hey @Martin K :) Thank you for reading and sharing your feedback and advice!

I want to circle back with you on what you said about vision.

  • 'Do we want to grow beyond 1000 people? How big do we want to grow?

  • How do we enable other burns organized through the KB network throughout the year?

  • Do we want to become/have a permanent burn structure with a permanent space? (i.e. embassy)

  • How can we increase the positive impact of the burn community on our everyday life?

  • How can we increase networking opportunities? (business, event, social life, revolutionary activity)

  • Are we political? Do we get involved with social events and developments?"

In the way Kiez Burn works and the tools we use, all of this would be advice processes. I don't think that the leadership program should take such decisions . These are really important questions that we need to answer..but not in a central 'I am the boss' way but in a collective way where everyone can participate.


Franzi Tue 18 Jan 2022 7:38AM

Hey Juli, thank you so much for your kind words and your appreciation.

to your point 3. well, I guess it depends who applies. Diversity preferences that we too into account last time are:

  • Cultural diversity

  • Age diversity

  • Sex / Gender diversity

  • Sexual orientation

  • Disability

  • First time burner vs more experienced (not a diversity marker but important for us to mix knowledge)

  • Professional background (not a diversity marker but important for us to mix knowledge)

  • Years of experience in event production (not a diversity marker but important for us to mix knowledge)

  • We invited people from outside Kiez Burn and outside Burn universe (not a diversity marker but important for us to mix knowledge)

  • Enabling low income (for accessibility)

Hope that gives some more clarity. Also, curious what you would look out for?


Franzi Tue 11 Jan 2022 10:29AM

Hey @Professor Kaos Thank you for taking time to read my proposal <3

  1. super happy to learn more about it.

  2. 2. The kitchen volunteers were not part of the program. They came only to do kitchen and it was agreed with them before. Nonetheless , completely agree! Easier meals, radical self-breakfast, @Veroca R. Sala proposed for people only to use their own mugs aka less clean up, everyone cleans up etc. I ll make this part of the facilitation package that this needs to be managed better.

    With this changes I hope we find kitchen volunteers. I think paying people is really not in line with our values and principles. We dont pay anyone and I dont think this is where we should start

    If not, radical self reliance - as always. People will need to manage their own food then.

  3. Yeah I ll coordinate with @Cairn (Clément) with dates