2020 Facilitate easier Finance-handling of Dreams submissions

W walto Public Seen by 16


As highlighted by Alex, the burden of the finance team regarding Dreams is higher than we originally thought. Therefore, let's use this thread to collect problems & initiatives we could take to make this process easier this year.

Topic #1


Dreamers are not aware they need to hand in receipts and therefore do not store them.

Possible initiatives

Topic #2


Dreamers submit their receipts in the incorrect format + do not photocopy enough

Possible initiatives

  • When a Dreamer gets past their minimum, the Dream guide also sends the documentation on how to submit their receipts

  • A "photocopying meeting" is scheduled, where dream guides and dreamers, finalize the receipt documentation.

  • Subproblem: Find way to host such a photocopy meeting. Do we know someone who works in a copy shop or has a photo copier that can make something like that happen?

Topic #3


Dreamteam doesn't know the new finance tool yet. What are the features?

  • @Alexxx please get in touch with dream team to give necessary info
