Mon 3 Feb 2020 11:14AM

How does Talk make you feel?

BL Benjamin Langholz Public Seen by 103

After a little more than a week using Talk, I'm curious to hear how it makes others feel.


Poll Created Mon 3 Feb 2020 8:52PM

How does Talk make you feel? Closed Thu 6 Feb 2020 8:00PM

Let’s practice polling! Choose multiple answers and/or add your own answers.


Results Option % of points Voters
Like there must be a better way 38.5% 5 JH D DU DU F
Informed 30.8% 4 JH EM D DU
Overloaded with information 23.1% 3 JH D JT
Horny 7.7% 1 EM
Like I‘m on Facebook 0.0% 0  
Confused about how the platform works 0.0% 0  
Empowered to participate 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 161 S S L C T RH VRS ARQ L K RN HH S SK M BL M R MG K

7 of 168 people have participated (4%)


Melinda Gonzalez Mon 3 Feb 2020 8:44PM

I am often reluctant to comment in Talk because I don’t like to add to already-long conversations just to, for example, state my preference. I also feel that gives more weight to the preferences of people with stronger opinions. I wish people would create polls more often. That way the numbers are clear at a glance.


Benjamin Langholz Mon 3 Feb 2020 11:08PM

I am not suggesting changes to Loomio although I do find the connection to occupy Wallstreet ironic. I have no solutions or positions to offer here at this moment. Simply asking how does it make you and the community feel to use it.


walto Mon 3 Feb 2020 2:41PM

We decided to use Loomio based on the arguments here:

We have adopted this platform in 2018, refined last year and upgraded this year. We previously used slack which had a tendency towards information-hierarchy. Therefore we switched.

Kiez Burn has a track record of big year-on-year innovation leaps. I do not think this was thanks to Talk, but rather due to a strong culture of consensual do-ocracy, particularly in offline meetings. Through collaboration, we came to better decisions for the whole of Kiez Burn. I am doubtful we are currently able to replicate this online.

There are no strong alternatives atm for Talk. However, feel free to suggest some. i would advise you use the Robot Ministery group for such suggestions.


Benjamin Langholz Mon 3 Feb 2020 1:06PM

No. Generally curious and wanted to share my experience so far.


CJ Yetman Mon 3 Feb 2020 12:17PM

genuine question, seriously not meant to be snarky (trying to tone things down here a bit)... do you have a suggestion/alternative?


Benjamin Langholz Mon 3 Feb 2020 12:02PM

Actually the more I think about the organization here and how Facebook works the more similarities I see. I Facebook everyone was encouraged to contribute ideas thoughts and opinions to any topic. There is very little hierarchy. But huge amounts of context and overhead in order to contribute in an area that you weren’t directly involved in. Basically if you came to a team with a suggestion at about a feature that they should add or something you thought could happen they would essentially drown you in context.

Because of this lack of hierarchy and encouragement of everyone to contribute the only way to make a decision or show a correct answer was through data. Math. Numbers. This systems works really well for somethings and some people. It allows only for small incremental change in products. Also making money for example. Great if you can use numbers and math as your only definitive factor. This system of decision-making also seemed to work really well for the sort of people who like to sit at their computers discussing things at length via online conversations. There was also a feeling of how much it is Asian of thoughts and ideas caused by the fact discussion was mostly held on mine and any points made or permanent and public available for anyone to look at. There was also a feeling of homogenization of thoughts and ideas caused by the fact discussion was mostly held o pine and any points made were permanent and public. Making it easy to point out and criticize those with opinions further from the norm.

I already see small traces of this culture in the short time I have been keeping an eye on KB organization. I would be really cautious of this. We need a system that encourages and welcome large leaps of imagination, radical ideas and differences of opinion.


walto Thu 6 Feb 2020 9:53PM

I agree Benjamin. If I maybe could add my take on things:

  1. Timing: we do not have a team yet that will coordinate the event planning of this year. So it is all a bit early.

  2. real life or dial-in meetings are often needed to actually talk things out + meet the people you are discussing things with, which helps enormously. Our 1st leads meeting is planned on Monday next week

These online discussions should not be a game of exhaustion. We should find alternative ways of dealing with this. I personally hope the two points above here will address some of the underlying issues.


Benjamin Langholz Mon 3 Feb 2020 11:18AM

For myself, I feel it has added significant stress and frustration into my life. Mainly because of it's continuous availability and the need to keep up with it. It very closely reminds me of working at Facebook where Facebook groups were used heavily and discussions online happened at any and all times. Those with the best finger or thumb endurance usually had the last words but this did not translate to real action as much as one might expect.

I tried to create a poll for this, but couldn't figure it out. If anyone else is feeling smart please do.

And yes I realize the irony of me creating another talk thread to discuss this topic 😆