Mon 16 Dec 2019 7:33PM

How to use Loomio

RMH Robot Ministry's Helper Bot Public Seen by 95

We believe in discussions and believe our culture shapes, but also is shaped by where we hold those discussions. "Loomio"/"Talk" is born from the OccupyNow movement. On talk, we discuss all the topics that come from organizing a one-week event.

It is a bit tricky to get used to, but we hope you get to love it as well after a while.


The public groups you are member of, you will get notifications for. The big topics have their own group. Threads posted in public groups where you are not part of, you will not be informed about.
The sub-groups within a public group, can be made to discuss more specific topics.
The threads are where you discuss the different topics. The thread description can be changed by anyone that is logged in. Threads are also the only places from which you can start advices, polls etc.


"Markdown" it is called, and it is hard to learn. However, there are two things that might help you quite a bit
- in-browser editing to markdown:
- A Loomio post on how to use Markdown:

Saving yourself some nerves

  • If you are the kind of person easily annoyed by many emails do the following to avoid inbox-flooding: Go to settings and turn off email notifications (except for maybe the daily summary o.e. - play around what suits your needs best). :thinking:

  • Check in with the 'unread discussions' / 'ungelesene Diskussionen' tab on the left side regulary. Use the 'mute' button for every topic you are not interested in. Use the 'checkmark' button for every topic you'd still like to show up in the 'unread discussion' tab

Be responsible

  • Before writing or inviting, ask yourself "does everybody else need to read what I have to say". Try to only invite people who really do need to read what you're writing. Everybody can read whatever they want, so try to limit the number of people who will get an email when you write something.

have fun!


Cris Sat 1 Feb 2020 10:52PM

Oh, heilige @Robot Ministry's Helper Bot ! How can a mortal IT illiterate create a sub-group and how are the tags to be created and used? Thank you!