Mon 11 Mar 2019 7:47PM

Dream Tech Help / Info / Suggestions

AK Alex Kaos Public Seen by 20

Maybe a Place to collect Technical suggestions for the platform as time goes along.

Delete the Thread if it receives no use


Alex Kaos Mon 11 Mar 2019 7:49PM

So I started the thread because I've found that Dreams can't be seen from my 'Private Area' on mobile devices.
I can't seem to find any way to edit the page whilst on mobile. It seems a litte inconvenient, but not vital.


Jessy W Wed 3 Apr 2019 6:54AM

I talked in person with the tech Lead about this at the last meeting, but it was hectic. Just a note that adding categories will be really helpful when the dreams platform gets more full. It will make sure support system/infrastructure Dreams dont get lost (and unfunded) under the avalanche of art proposals. It will also make the page more clean and easily navigable. It will also incentivize people to balance their budget between art grants and support system funding. There would need to be a category list in the dreams application that tags each dream under each of a few categories. Based on what is on the platform already I would suggest: Art, Public Services, Workshops


Remy Schneider Thu 25 Apr 2019 11:54AM

Hey @henrik - can we update the information on the dreams platform about dates? It currently says on the homepage:
*Dream submissions start on 10th of March, voting starts on the 5th of April (together with ticket sales) and we foresee to close the the dreams submissions on 30th of April. The sooner you submit your dream, the more chance you have of collecting all the votes you want. *

We want it to say instead:

Update on Dreams Timeline!
Dream submissions will close on 30 April!
You can vote for Dreams until 5 May. After 5 May your tokens will be reallocated.
We hope to have a final decision on Dreams by 7 May


Henrik 🤖 Fri 26 Apr 2019 8:26PM

Robot Ministry to the Rescue! :robot:

New welcoming text is online. I put it in a nice pink box <3


Henrik 🤖 Tue 12 Mar 2019 11:58PM

Editing dream on mobile also works for me


Henrik 🤖 Tue 12 Mar 2019 11:59PM

Not sure what you mean. Could you post a screenshot? A screenshot of the private area on my phone is attached


Henrik 🤖 Fri 26 Apr 2019 8:36PM

EDIT: it's only available to Dream Guides for now


Henrik 🤖 Wed 3 Apr 2019 1:48PM

Thanks for suggesting this! There is a tagging function already =)