Mon 26 Jul 2021 2:36PM

Consent Discussion & Educational project

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This thread is to discuss about CONSENT and to co-create & share educational material to offer to the community at the Kiez Burn event and satellite events too!

As consent is our 11th principle and as consent is always about education, why not put some poster in the toilets (It has been done at other burns like Nowhere).

🌼Come discuss consent, post your resources, share what happened to you (at Kiez Burn or somewhere else), ask your questions, etc

Educational content for your campmates:

About consent at the burn, see for reference:

Organisation -

Here is a drive folder in the Kiez Burn Organization drive to keep material

How to provide info at the event?
I've been told @Fabi 🦥 was printing some stuff out. Could you print and laminate around 40 A4-poster on top of whatever you're already doing? Thanks a lot. Veroca told me it would fall under the volunteers' budget. (See below to have the documents)

For this year, I can grab the poster and put them up in the toilets on Wednesday and take them back on Monday or Sunday evening.

However, I'm not sure I will be returned to Kiez Burn next year. Should I give it to someone? Maybe @River Aleks from welfare? Maybe @Caro T or anyone from a kinky/queer-barrio who (i hope) should care about consent?

@Veroca R. Sala if there is space available, I would love to make a blast on social Media/Telegram with educational content about consent at burn.

Which poster will be used

@Sunniva will do the posters!! Woop! They will have the Kiez Burn logo and everything.

The plan is to make one about hearing a no, one about silence is not consent and we are a diverse community and people express themselves differently and one about being a bystandar.


The poster I have are not perfect but they are better than nothing. If you have any idea of what we can use instead right now please hit up the comment


Caroline Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:04PM

In a world where 95% of victims of sexual aggression are women or afab and 98% of aggressors are men... Yes we can say it is driven by sexism?

I agree with you that there IS some fem->* aggression but it is still driven by patriarcal shit: wanting to affirm yoursellf because that's the only way you can be heard (and that what's society is teaching to men and not to women), etc.

You're only talking about the Sexism Free Night ones right?


CJ Yetman Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:08PM

We also had to deal with a "consent violation" type incident at the last KB that was fem->masc.


CJ Yetman Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:07PM

I've personally experienced several non-consensual interactions from women at burns and other similar events. I was also abused by an adult women as an adolescent. I might be a wild outlier, but I doubt it.


Caroline Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:18PM

Sorry to hear about your experience as an adolescent. I see this is a very sensitive issue for you.

I definitly think it is sexism matter (or other oppression matter: by example the adult woman had power on you because older). Statistics don't lie.
I have some very good podcast about this very subject to recommand (but it's in french).

For now: as Kiez Burn is very close and as i would not have time to make any educational content and have long discussion about this, I can propose to not put the Sexism Free Night poster but only the noBed,Yes!Bed ones. What do you think?

I just want to improve things about consent in the little time I will spend here. I do not want to hurts anyone feeling - especially victims of aggressor feelings - and have deep and profound conversation when it is not the place and time

I really hope you like the other posters and if you want to talk about it irl, i would be happy to meet you at kiez burn


Veroca R. Sala Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:26PM

@Caroline Im thinking if maybe better to make the blast inviting the community to participate in this very discussion and, of course, to read the files you are si kindly offering here. Instead of only sharing a link to a pdf, no? I feel is also important to give us the space to talk about this and maybe this way we can enable some space for that on this platform.

let me know your thoughts,


Caroline Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:25PM

I need to think about wich educational thing we can send. Do you think the dusty consent project will resonate with people because it is at another burn and it takes in account burn culture? But the website is just... ugly

I do not understand your question? What is the copy?


CJ Yetman Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:09PM

I have also heard frequently (just this past weekend again too) that women often experience non-consensual interactions from other women.


Caroline Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:33PM

Yes it is a good idea. However, it might bring a storm here, as it's always the case with touching subject like consent. I will not have the energy or the time to answer everything if it goes out of hands.
I can remove the Sexism Free Night poster as it is touchy -especially for male victims- to associate patriarcat with consent violation. It is a very intricated subject and that might not be the time and place to talk about it.


Veroca R. Sala Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:36PM

you dont have to, we can modify a bit the top o the thread announcing that this is not a decision making thread but a discussion thread. If things gets heated then we will see, but you dont need to brig all asnwers! ❤️


Caroline Mon 26 Jul 2021 3:43PM

I especially like the "ask before touching" ones.
As they are shorter, maybe we can put them in the urinals and keep the long ones for poop spaces?

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