Sun 5 Sep 2021 10:18AM

2021 Burn Night đŸŠ ïž COVID

S Saskia Public Seen by 27


Lead roles






Covid is still a thing. The opening of the clubs is great news, but we have to observe the developments. Here I update current regulations and everything covid related.

At the event, it will be desirable to have an extra team of people at the gate/merge greeter activities and checking corona test documents & vaccination certificates.

Current regulations as of 26th of october 2021

Legal basis for all decisions is the current "Hygienerahmenkonzept" for october 2021 which can be found here:

I will be quoting this document quite a lot, so when pages are referenced, it is the pages in THIS document.

The ethical basis for decisions is the premise that COVID-19 is a threatening and dangerous infection. We do not wish to be a spreader event and harm cultural scenes by adding arguments for another culture-lockdown. We do not wish for our friends to suffer long covid. We do not wish to present breeding ground for virus mutations to occur. We do not wish to endanger friends and family who cannot get vaccinated for whatever reason.

I will not discuss these premises. It is not my job to convince you or to debunk the anti-covid articles you send to me. I will also not discuss the ethical implications of having a 2G event when this is legally required.

Basic information

  • The event is classified as a ‘Tanzlustbarkeit’ (eng. Dance event)

    • “Der Begriff Tanzlustbarkeit kommt aus dem Gewerberecht und beschreibt eine Veranstaltung, bei der mehrere Besucher:innen tanzen. Diese Beschreibung ist nicht auf Clubs und Diskotheken beschrĂ€nkt, auch bei Konzerten u.a. AnlĂ€ssen in geschlossenen RĂ€umen kann getanzt werden, wenn die 2G-Regel (sowie alle weiteren Regelungen fĂŒr Tanzlustbarkeiten) eingehalten wird. Eine Tanzveranstaltung kann auch spontan zustande kommen. Hier muss der Veranstalter jedoch einschreiten und den Tanz unterbinden, wenn die Teilnehmenden nicht der 2G–Regel unterliegen (z.B. bei einer Veranstaltung, die unter den 3G-Regeln konzipiert ist).” (p.11)

  • The event will be a 2G event

    • “FĂŒr Tanzveranstaltungen in geschlossenen RĂ€umen gilt stets die 2G-Regel = geimpft oder genesen (§8 VO, § 34 Abs. 1 VO)” (p.1) 

    • “FĂŒr alle Besucher:innen, Mitwirkende und Personal mit unmittelbarem Kunden- oder Zuschauerkontakt gilt die 2G-Regel = geimpft oder genesen - Regelungen siehe III. d)” (p.12)

Contact tracing

  • We need to enable contact tracing

    • “Zur Kontaktnachverfolgung mĂŒssen kulturelle Einrichtungen und VeranstaltungsstĂ€tten Besucher:innen-Daten registrieren. Bei Veranstaltungen muss eine Kontaktnachverfolgung erfolgen können.” (p. 5)

  • Collection of personal data may be happening via ticket sale, via manual lists, or via digital solutions like the corona warn app. If we do it via ticket sales we need to make sure that we collect the personal data ourselves and not through the third party service provider we use to sell the tickets. We also need to make sure to let people consent to the collection and storage of their data if we do it via ticketsales and/or manual lists.

    • “Die Abfrage der persönlichen Daten der Besucher:innen zur Kontaktverfolgung kann beim Ticketkauf, durch die Nutzung digitaler Anwendungen oder den Eintrag in Listen erfolgen (Hinweis: § 4 Abs. 4 VO auch digitale Anwendungen, die dem Veranstaltenden keine Daten ĂŒbermitteln, z.B. Corona-Warn-App). Beim TicketVerkauf durch Dritte ist die Erfassung der Daten stets durch den Veranstaltenden vorzunehmen. “ (p. 5)

  • We are required to register and store the following information from our attendees: Full name, address, E-Mail or phone, and information about a checked vaccination / healed status (that is: comparing an  official ID with the name on the digital certificate)

    • “Besucher:innen-Listen oder digitale Verzeichnisse mĂŒssen folgende Angaben enthalten: Vor- und Familiennamen, Bezirk oder Gemeinde des Wohnortes oder des Ortes des stĂ€ndigen Aufenthaltes (verzichtbar bei digitalen Anwendungen), vollstĂ€ndige Anschrift und E-Mail-Adresse (sofern vorhanden), Telefonnummer, Anwesenheitszeit, Platz- oder Tischnummer (wenn vorhanden, verzichtbar bei digitalen Anwendungen), Dokumentation, dass ein negatives Testergebnis vorgelegt wurde bzw. eine Testung vor Ort ein negatives Ergebnis ergeben hat (DurchfĂŒhrung der Testung vor Ort / Bescheinigung) bzw. Bescheinigung ĂŒber den Nachweis Geimpft oder Genesen” (p. 5) 

  • Using a digital registration (i.e. corona warn app/luca) frees us from a lot of DgSVO / Datenschutz and many other hassles! 

IF we go with personalized tickets, we need to consider that ticket transfers at the day of the event or spontaneously at the evening of the event might not be possible! The name on the ticket needs to match the ID. We also need to check if there is a way for manual registration (for those not using the app) that ensures that the data can be stored safely AND read. If the Ordnungsamt checks us, having unreadable contact information may be a reason for a check inside the venue. (Source: Experience from other events provided by personal contacts of mine)

Under these conditions the event will look like this: 

  • No masks are required! No distancing is required!

    • “Wenn sich Verantwortliche fĂŒr die 2G-Bedingung entscheiden, besteht in allen Bereichen des Veranstaltungsortes oder der Einrichtung keine Pflicht zur Einhaltung des Mindestabstands, keine Zutrittssteuerung (qm-Regelung), keine Maskenpflicht und keine Pflicht zur Nutzung fester PlĂ€tze.” (p.11)

  • Cuddle puddles, food sharing etc. etc. all is allowed! 

  • The use of masks for your personal safety, the desire to keep a distance to others and the refusal to take part in workshops / cuddle puddles should not  be shamed

  • Wearing a mask is still encouraged, but humans be humans and your corona lead also prefers to dance without a mask ;)

    2G (+) concept 

    • As Corona lead I would like to go with a 2G (+) concept. Without free BĂŒrgertests, self-testing is the way to go 

    • Zero.Covid space have designed a tool to provide a little bit more security by controlling self-tests of people 

    • Basically, the idea is to let people test themselves at home and take two pictures of their test next to their ID & a code or a timestamp. First picture when the fluid is put on the test, the second picture 15 minutes later

    • Additionally, a mobile test center for those who couldn’t do or forgot their self-test.

    • Additionally, self-testing in front of the venue with a self-bought  Schnell test is a third valid option 

    The idea is to provide an extra layer of security by doing Schnelltests. Yes, they are not as sensible with people who are vaccinated and currently infected. Yes, there are many ways to do them wrong. Yet, even one positive person filtered out of the crowd is worth the effort in my personal eyes. 

  • I am currently in discussions with the friendly and professional people of zero.covid spaces.

    "I cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons" / "I am neither healed nor vaccinated but bring essential things to the event"
    Please talk to me about it. There might be solutions. MIGHT I say. Also it will be costly for you, at least PCR-test costly.

Item removed


Saskia Tue 26 Oct 2021 8:05PM

@Kris - would it be possible to reserve a couple of directed tickets for covid related volunteer positions (e.g. checking of certificates or supporting a schnelltest station set up by us. I have some burner-doctors / medical professionals / zero.covid contacts that might be willing to help us out if we lack volunteers for that area)


Saskia Tue 26 Oct 2021 8:06PM

@Kate - I would like to prepare and schedule some related comms and could need your help coordinating it. More specifically, the 2G + T procedure, as well as the benefits of having all your stuff together (i.e. digital vaccination pass, covid warn app, proper photos of your schnelltest), makes you go in more smoothly


Saskia Tue 26 Oct 2021 8:08PM

@Clara White - I need to communicate with B&B or maybe have a look myself at the setup at the entrance area. Furthermore I need to coordinate who checks the status of vaccination / healed people. Is there another site visit planned or can I go to B&B myself / get a contact?


Saskia Tue 26 Oct 2021 8:13PM

@Diarmaid @Alejandro - you have started to check out luca app functionalities & we check out covid warn app. Maybe you wish to share your insights here for us all to see. I have my concerns around luca, but this is based on the criticism of CCC in april 2021. If you have already looked into the topic, I would appreciate a short summary.


Saskia Thu 28 Oct 2021 6:44AM

Volunteers for QR / ID Check:
ORGANISATION (do not post with the form, this is for information): 
We probably need 2 people per shift. Ideally we have a 'quick' queue and a 'slow' queue. Quick for the people who have everything (Covid Warn App / luca, digital vaccination certificate, proof of self-test at home /"Passierschein") and a slow for the people who need extra treatment (i.e. need a schnelltest to be done, need to write down their data because they don't use the apps, anything down that line)


Your task is to check the digital vaccination certificates using an app and making sure it matches the ID of the visitor. Please come with a charged phone and have the check-app (CovPassCheck) installed on your phone. You will also check the 'passierschein' aka the photos people provide from their self-test. Powerbanks will be provided. For people who do not use the apps, you will take their personal data. It might be that the security of the venue takes over this task.
In this case you'll check the 'passierschein' only or your volunteer shift gets cancelled.
Expect one (digital) onboarding meeting before the event.

ORGANISATION (do not post with the form, this if for information): This position, in particular, is unclear currently, as we are working on the concept with & we need to check how it looks at B&B.

Volunteers for Covid Testing Station:
We wish to go with a 2G + T strategy. For people who did not self-test at home or provide an invalid photo-proof ("Passierschein") we wish to provide an emergency Schnelltest option at the venue. Schnelltests need to be handled at around 20°C, so there will be a station for this. People will take their swap itself and mix it with the solution. Your task will be to drop the liquid on the testing cassette, time, check the results, and hand out the 'Passierschein'.
The specific 'how to' is still in development and depends on the agreement with the venue.

If you have experience with handling Schnelltests, please sign up for this position.

Once we run out of tests, this volunteering position vanishes.
Expect one (digital) onboarding meeting before the event.


Saskia Wed 3 Nov 2021 12:28PM

Update 3.11.2021 - It is what it is

Given the new rise in incidence numbers, Corona-politics might throw a wrench in our planning once again.
Yesterday the senate of Berlin decided to re-introduce more strict corona measures once again. The scope, extensiveness and specific conditions of this re-introduction of strict measures is unclear. This means, we do not know whether their decisions affect our planning (e.g. by re-introducing PAX limits for events, by requiring mandatory official schnelltest, etc.).

The senate will discuss measures until next week and decides next tuesday.

I recommend putting all efforts for a ticket sale on hold and wait with signing the contract until the conditions are clear.


Saskia Wed 3 Nov 2021 1:04PM

Possible scenarios for a senate decision

These are a couple of restrictions and measurements the senate might want to introduce next Tuesday. That's just pure brainstorming based on the experiences of the past years. Take it as food for thought with the following questions in mind:
Do we want to have an event under this condition?
Will it be fun?
What is the risk for the organizers when they're liable to hold up hygiene measures?

  1. Re-introducing of mandatory tests for all people, vaccinated too. Possibly without reintroducing free Schnelltests.

  2. Mask mandates on the dancefloor

  3. No dancing at all, only fixed seating indoors

  4. PAX limit (e.g. to 1000 people)

  5. ...


Alejandro Wed 27 Oct 2021 2:05PM

LucaApp is open source ( and has this site with their security policy ( Basically on our (server) side we get a key that encrypts all guests and events data and we keep the key. We will need it in case of outbreak or if the authorities ask for it (more info here I think Kiez Burn can manage this and we don't need 3rd parties. I haven't checked corona app (is also open source but in general I dont like all the permissions requests since I just want to do checkin without being constantly asked for bluetooth contact tracing. If we just want to checkin people and comply with the law, LucaApp seems to do the job. (Maybe we can provide both?) I think we can even make a test event and share the QR among us to see what would be the expected result. I'curious about those concerns you have about LucaApp.


Kaliope Thu 28 Oct 2021 3:26PM

I published a poll for a leads meeting in our Telegram channel – let's chat!