Mon 22 Mar 2021 11:26AM

PROPOSAL Temple Build

K Karlo Public Seen by 180

I would like to organize a temple build for Kiezburn. This is not really about a dream or get money from dreams and so on.. but to spread the idea that I would like to have a build team and creators group for a temple burn.
This is about a build team, creators team, spiritual guidance team, temple guards..
a save space for our inner child and starving souls, loss of friends and close humans or just a place to recover the emotions by putting these on this place.
The idea is also to have something to burn, maybe not everything but at least more then a symbolic piece..


Alex Kaos Thu 29 Jul 2021 4:47PM

I think that should be fine. So long as we have the entire fire department on standby, with 1000L of water, 6 fire extinguishers spaced at with a diamater of at least 6,6m between them, and an extra TARDIS to jump back to the beginning of the ceremony and stop that time line in the event we accidently burn down Underworld.

What do you think @Purzel ?


Bee Thu 29 Jul 2021 2:31PM

Oooh super cute idea. Tagging @Purzel and @Professor Kaos for the a-okay on setting fire to things ;)


Thu 29 Jul 2021 8:46AM

hey guys

I had an idea for a temple event that might circumnavigate the fire regulaltions?
The Butterfly burn
I will build a small structure Not to burn, and run an origami workshop of making a butterfly. You write what you want to release on the paper, and then I'll go through how to do the Butterfly, and the everyone can burn a small piece of paper ?


Purzel Fri 25 Jun 2021 11:04AM

Hey Henrik, feel free to bring an effigy but please remember that you will most likely not be able to burn it, due to our tough fire regulations in August.


Karlo Fri 25 Jun 2021 10:45AM

Hallo Henrik

danke für die Info..Ich hatte mich vor einigen Wochen entschieden als sich beim Kiezburn noch nichts getan hatte, kurz bevor ihr entschieden habt doch einen KB zu veranstalten, den Tempel beim Northern Light zu bauen und habe dann dort einen Dream beantragt und werde den nun dort bauen. Beides kann ich leider nicht wuppen.
Deswegen wäre es evtl am Besten diesen Thread jetzt erstmal einzumotten, damit er nicht im Weg steht.
Super gerne hätte ich das auch auf dem Freigelände gemacht und geplant. Da ich den nicht niederbrennen werden kann man den allerdings auch wieder benutzen und nochmal aufbauen.. dann noch grösser und schöner:

gruss Karlo


Henrik 🤖 Tue 8 Jun 2021 1:51PM

hey @Karlo !

whether you need funding for the temple or not, I think you will get more publicity if you're looking for co-creators when adding the temple project to Dreams as more people will see it there.

I love your idea and would like to volunteer on-site! (I can't come to meetings in berlin, as I live in NRW right now) btw: I'm thinking about bringing an effigy but I'm not sure yet if I can pull it off.