Tue 10 Mar 2020 3:43PM

Word-hacking the Talk loading screen / updating the quote?

DU Alina, also known as Universe Public Seen by 14

Dear @Tibo

I'd like to know if it is possible to "take over" the KiezBurn Talk loading screen quote? It currently says "I spent way too long on this" (um....should it be "spend", too?)

May I submit another proposal?

How easy/quick is it to implement? (>>> may I change the words every couple of weeks to keep it fun for Talk visitors?)

I do not know how to say "thank you" in robot. So, thank you anyways - for all the good robot work you do <3


Henrik 🤖 Tue 10 Mar 2020 6:46PM

Hey @Alina, also known as Milda!

I added the logo and after a couple of hours of fiddling also the quote – yeah, I spent way too long on this =)

And yes, we can change the quote. But unless someone in the Robot Ministry is willing to implement it, I would do anything as complicated as a frequent quote change. It's a cool idea!

Love & Peace


Alina, also known as Universe Tue 10 Mar 2020 8:58PM

@Henrik 🤖 aaaaahhh OK now I understand the quote :) Context is everything! I am not clear - how easy is it to implement? What is the time needed for that? Who in the robot ministry would be OK to take that on - if feasible? <3