Fri 2 Nov 2018 9:55AM

Actions at Decompraiser

H Hanna-Maija (Animal) Public Seen by 137

Let's organise a Q&A / Arbeitsamt / how to get involved booth for the decompraiser!

- Structure (HM is asking lovelies about the booth)
- perhaps some infoposters? (Doocracy? How to get involved? What is there to do?) Would someone be interested in this? Or if someone can create the verbal content HM can perhaps make the shiny posters?
- Flyers about the general assembly? (Remy - confirmed)
- Volunteers to be there to answer questions (HM will make a schedule)
- Deko (HM)
- Do we have a KB logo sign?


Hanna-Maija (Animal) Fri 2 Nov 2018 9:57AM

We also have a burner style bar/booth at Spandau that would work really well but would need transport. Is there any transport available? A möbel taxi would probably take around 50€.


walto Sun 4 Nov 2018 4:30PM

I definitely think we can get transport organized/funded for that. Here is a link if that helps?

Regarding the logo, here are all the different versions of it we had: happy to help with printing :)

For the info posters:
- One could say, in big "Consensual do-ocracy" and then lots of question marks
- one could have "A more open & sustainable community" and the text "how might we..." or so?

Does this help?


Hanna-Maija (Animal) Tue 6 Nov 2018 2:49PM

Ok so I have talked to Henrik and he will get me a table so I don't have to go through the hassle of transporting. I will bring the deko and some posters. :) If no one has better suggestions I will go with Waldo's ideas and maybe add a headline KiezBurn 2019 with the logo. I think hand made posters are more fun so I will craft something myself. If you have anything you would like to add let me know!


Annette Wed 7 Nov 2018 2:21PM

Awesome! Thank you, im happy to be at the table for some time as well. At 9:30 pm is the opening ceremony and i would love to start with a short update on what happened since kiez burn 2018, our vision, consensual doocracy and verein and to invite people to talk to us in person at the table. Who is there in time and would like to talk as the beginning of the opening to welcome everyone? Planned is a 10-15 minutes slot for us. There will be a short ceremony after and than the music starts again inside.


Remy Schneider Fri 9 Nov 2018 11:47AM

Hey i am printing the flyers today - unfortunately likely without a location on them.... I will direct people back to the Facebook page with information about the e.V. And of course we will also send a newsletter after the Decompaiser

Item removed


Jaina Hirai Thu 7 Dec 2023 3:20PM

I absolutely love beanbags. However, they are a big MOOP risk if they ever split open. Just something to consider 🤗


Paul aka Khromo Sun 10 Dec 2023 7:09PM

I absoluely love advertisments in burner forums!


walto Mon 11 Dec 2023 1:50PM

The message of user was identified as coming from a SPAM bot - post deleted & thread closed.


walto Thu 8 Nov 2018 9:54PM

happy to be part of it, but would love to do this together with a couple of people :)

Btw, I also thought it might be a good time to announce that we will not do gate, and if there is a camp that might want to volunteer.