Thu 29 Jul 2021 3:43PM

📨Telegram Feedback Thread

VRS Veroca R. Sala Public Seen by 181

The purpose of this thread is to have a place for subscribers to give input, opinions, or flag any inconvenience with the Kiez Burn Telegram channel.

📨Just scroll down and leave a comment

This Thread is linked to the description of the Telegram channel so all subscribers should have access to it.

Thank you!




Survey results 11.10.21 - 28.10.2021 (survey link was shared only via telegram)

On this thread, we have also co-created a survey for our telegram channel The Survey was released on 11.10.2021. We keep this content here for future surveys.

Some background info at the time of the Survey (October 2021):

  • We had a channel with 840+ subscribers and growing day by day.

  • Posts: Maximum of 2 posts per day pre-event. Sometimes none. Average pre-event: 7 per week. Post-event 3 per week.

  • It is time-consuming. The copy has to be slightly different than the Facebook posts. Sometimes is more convenient to link people to Talk or Facebook, depending on the topic.

  • We usually have 200+ views 2-3 hours after posting.

  • We hardly ever get the 840+ views ( from all subscribers)

    Next Survey: take into account for the next survey this comment


Øystein Sat 31 Jul 2021 9:30AM

Some of these can be clustered :

"In which ways do you follow kb updates?"

Box: tg

Box: fb

Box: mail

Box: talk

Also how many posts can gi gliding scale, 1-10, 5 being just perfect, 10 to many, 1 to few - think this could give a nice output for handling the answers


Fabi Eitel Sat 31 Jul 2021 9:29AM

I use an old android phone and it seems not able to display text based emojis. This is the same in other communication channels (facebook) and sometimes makes me miss relevant information. You could ask whether others have trouble with the readability of the messages as well - I myself would really appreciate if you could limit the use of those emoji (all others a great, not all emoji are created equal it seems). Attached is a screenshot of how it looks for me


RMD Fri 30 Jul 2021 4:21PM

First, not requested opinion: I use all communication channels but telegram is superior to others in terms of finding specific things quickly on mobile. I can easily just look up on my phone the link to something like the volunteer sheet, etc. So in my view telegram is not only super useful to get a feel of what is needed urgently, but also as a searchable archive (hashtags etc).

On the actual question, I'd recommend less questions and to focus not on telegram but on all the communication channels. So ranking them on importance / usage level, figuring out what's the unique use case for each of them, shareability with friends, etc.

I'd still support a couple of open text questions for each channel so people can praise/whine openly about each of them.


Roko Fri 30 Jul 2021 9:08AM

super helpful. sometimes it’s one member of the gang reading an info and then the rest gets informed in a meeting!


Pauline Thu 29 Jul 2021 9:45PM

Really helped myself - loved the channel


Veroca R. Sala Thu 29 Jul 2021 9:01PM

So the idea was to co create the survey here. Not to get people to answer questions here but sure!

Happy to see already some opinions.

I changed the title of the thread for clarity

Thanks all

Item removed


Ann-Kathrin Rudorf Thu 29 Jul 2021 6:01PM

With Talk and Newsletter I have all relevant information. Feel Telegram is the cherry on top, an extra with little reminders. I like it!

Don’t support FB and annoyed by humans that think it’s the one and only communication tool for events!


Till Tailor Thu 29 Jul 2021 5:51PM

I think that every Ticketholder is also subscribed to the Newsletter... - A question for the survey: Is the KB-Channel active or stumm? - If you put it on Stumm: Why? Are there too many posts? Will you still have a look at the channel once a week?


Sven Schulte-Rummel Thu 29 Jul 2021 4:29PM

Telegram rocks - but you could use the channel also to just make an announcement like „look at channelFB or channelTalk“.

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